McHenry County Property Tax Assessment Appeal Appraisal

Call us today at 1-847-526-7870 for a free consultation. 



Real estate taxes going up again? Wondering if you should try to appeal?  We can help.


The assessed value of your property should be equal to the fair market value, i.e. what the property would likely sell for on the open market.  If the assessed value exceeds the fair market value, you may want to file an appeal.  Property tax appeals can be filed on any type of real estate including a private residence, multi-family property, apartment building, vacant land, office, retail or industrial properties.

The first step in determining if your assessment is accurate is to call your local township assessor.  Verify that the information about your property is correct. Sometimes, matters like this can be resolved with a phone call.


If after discussing your assessment with your local taxing authority you still feel as though your property was overvalued, we at Sherman Appraisal can help in proving your case. 


Just about every sector of the real estate market is being impacted by the current economic state.  As more and more businesses go under and the national unemployment rate continues to rise, commercial as well as residential property values have suffered.  Office and retail vacancies continue to climb while property values are on the decline.  As we all are aware, residential property values have declined in most markets nationwide.


Although the national economy is poor, it will still require some effort and plenty of evidence to argue your case for a property assessment reduction.  That's where we come in.  It's important to enlist the help of a professional appraisal firm that's experienced in your jurisdiction. 


Call us today at 1-847-526-7870 for a free consultation.



Some important links for additional information.


For properties located within McHenry County, visit the McHenry County Website for appeal forms and information on filing deadlines for all townships with McHenry County.